Monday, April 8, 2013

It's about dat time.

Been awhile since a blog update, 5500 views later our faithful readers have probably lost faith in any more updates, blog lost some stream when Oddjob quit, but Oddjob has just started to get back into the game after a 3 month hiatus, but I've been collecting souls just haven't bothered to update this.

Johnny + OJ fully epiced and ready to go, gotta figure he'll start his painting Red99 in red again, but till then...  more boring PvE stuff, grats Thrilla 1st wiz epic and full min/max status until Velious.  Skeans and t-staffs have kinda ruined the caster PvP in the game, hope to see a nerf coming to that soon.

In other news Azrael has made some progress, a 3rd guild has risen (Force) while the 4th guild (Dentists) went back into the shadows and got mostly absorbed into Azrael (who didn't predict that? biggest band of flakes ever).

Anyways I'll leave the witty stuff to OJ, killshot time:


self proclaimed King of PvP Andis.  Running scorecard is like 7-0, usually leaves zones if we're alone, always has an excuse for a death.  Note Boats right next to me, desperate measures for desperate times, gotta unload dat conflag wand.

Love these full gfx killshots, swimming in that fire.

 Found his bind, kill #3

Then start killing him on his alt, Guido..  yes bro, people can cast on you while you're on a boat.  This was Azrael's pisspoor attempt at snatching Faydedar while we cleared VS/Inny after full repop, efficiency at it's finest.

Result of busting somebodys' ass too hard too many times, sorry pal my whistle is clean.




Boats...  had another killshot of him in Sebilis, but unfortunately my PC crashed and apparently running a ramdisk doesn't save your logs/ss's

Bossk (og Skelly) on a corpse run to seb.

Bossk (Skelly) getting the trak tooth treatment, ain't seen him on since.

Brobb smoked in a group of Force, note Kilkur and my group members not in zone.

Cheeseycakes, 1/2 of my Kunark deaths on Thrilla, easily revenged anytime he shows his face on either Freez or this toy wizard.

Chewie, his fancy with Guk still is alarming.  We're in Kunark bro, just saying.. might wanna step out of the swamp/guk once and awhile.

Chillum, nice guy, easy kill

Chopper, got the wand treatment after opening his mouth about me running away from him after making 2 force melee plug, open mouth, insert foot.

 Chubs, lost count on his kills.. but you can find many on this blog.

Croup, can't tell you who was playing him, but probably Tarwine

Cwall/Smedy, draught + wand unload, I don't like t-staffs, sry.

 Cwenu, this is a box char at this point from all I can gather

 Ecoli, came back for a short period to level off.. Dapper Blackhammer, guild gank on this one nothing to brag about but must be documented!

 Ezpk, kunark death 2/2-- revenged.

Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice.. shame on me! Ezpk got a great kill on me in solb once, but I don't fall for that shit twice.

Ganjah/Kripi are they brothers or boxers? you decide, Ganjah let me cast 2 full sunstrikes and 2 full pumice casts on Kripi's pet all while he did not move and Kripi jolted for the zone.. he claimed AFK, likely.



Harryfoot in Sky

 Hugs aka Tomatoman


 Kilkur, brave or dumb?

Krazy aka Sickpuppy.. funny story, he got pillar'd as he zoned and died on my screen, showed up at his bind naked (he said he zoned) with no corpse in KC or DL, talk about a fatality.  I put the nice guy cap on and was going to summon his corpse, but GM Zade was on the job before I could prove I'm a softie at heart.

Wendolyn aka Kringe plug

Lunchbox,  aka Brainz cleric box.. if you ever fight Brainz, you'll quickly realzie he is always fully hp buffed/raid buffed anytime he rolls, always suprising to me people can get away with such blatant boxing on this server, but props to the GM's for trying to keep it as honest as they can





Qazzaz, after killing Wyclef and making his cleric plug I got bored of his zone hopping..  







Toughguy 2, note Mornin.. these guys are so bad they can't tell the difference on when to support heal or when to nuke.




Say it ain't so, OJ back on the scene??


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