Sunday, September 30, 2012

OJ's RD Kills #3

So this weekend has brought a lot more PvP to Red99.  Nihilum and Red Dawn have been having raid v raid fights every few days for 2 weeks now.  It started with horrible wipes for Red Dawn in SolB then Hate without killing anyone, then Hate again but they killed 2 that time.  RD has been improving and now they are even winning fights!  They haven't been able to win in such a way that they can control the zone and take the spoils, but they have won 2 battles now and thats a huge step up from total wipes.

Nagafen is up in SolB early on a Saturday afternoon.  A skeleton crew of Nihilum is dispatched to slay him.  A slaughter ensued, Nihilum was wiped, but not before finishing and looting Nagafen.  A victory for both sides.  Then came Lady Vox, Red Dawn got there first and set up one of the best ambushes I've seen a group set up on this server.  Red Dawn had more numbers than Nihilum at both fights, but not more levels and gear. 

Red Dawn's ambush went something like this:  1 set of eyes in Everfrost warning of Nihilum impending arrival, All the rest of RD inside Perma just beyond the first cave where it opens up into a large cavern.  On both sides as you enter there are obstructions to hide behind.  If you aren't careful, you can easily run past people hiding here like we did!  The part that suckered Nihilum in was Lite's brilliant move to call in shout Vox's AOE Roar, prompting Nihilum vent to chirp with choos of "They are fighting Vox! Rush King room!"

So we rush King room and its a bluff!  RD attacks the center of the Nihilum line as half of us are beyond them and half behind.  We are totally split and retreat to zoneline with casualties.  The zoneline is pushed and lost, the survivors seek the hidden cave for refuge.

And so went Red Dawn's 2 biggest victories to date.  They were forced to cede the Permafrost zoneline in the next hour as Nihilum got re-organized and made another push.  Nihilum took control of the zone, killed Lady Vox, and granted Red Dawn loot n scoot privelages.

So Congrats to RD for 2 victories in battle, and good luck turning those victories into zone control and spoils.  And congrats to Nihilum for still winning the wars, wiping up the pvp when it counts, and slaying the dragons.

Here is a video of the event, courtesy of Valiya <Red Dawn> 
Below are screenshots from the pvp against RD over the last 3 days, I got a lot more kills and I haven't died again yet, so +9 and -0 if you are keeping count.  

 Ruban bottom right of screen, Brennard and Sootwulf giving chase, Brennard peeled kaPOW.

Brainz caught jerkin it in KC.  Log off for that crap your gross.

 Brainz gang banged hard during a lot of back n forth pvp in DL vs RD.

 Oddjob doin it alone, 1v6, Ezpk down to DoT's, at the same time as Brennard down to Nukes, all right in front of Maniaco and getting nuked by Sickpuppy.  Lite and Omega also in their group.

 Curse, former Nihilum, started by pelling me while I was banking in Rivervale.  Shire defended.

 Ezpk + bardspeed = big balls.  Castration by Tstaff.  Now a steer.  Renian and Nizzar on the assist.

 Lite blown up amongst 5 of his best friends.  3v6 wiped them all.  Kudos to Renian and Necrious.

 Sickpuppy down 1v1, found his bind above KC, bound there myself, now I visit him often.  That's 6 Sickpuppy kills now, with zero deaths to him.

 Sootwulf in a GvG fight in Seb.  It was hectic.

Thanks for the good times Nihilum and for putting up a fight Red Dawn.  Red 99 is doing great because of people on both sides.


Friday, September 28, 2012

C to D - Holo - History of R99

Today's update brings you some kills on members of Holocaust whos names started with the letter C and the letter D!  I wish I could bring you all these faster but we have such a huge amount of kills on these noobs that I can only go through 1-2 letters per update.

I wish I could share with you all just how satisfying it is coming back to EQ and destroying people who have spent half a decade practicing and cheating at only this one game.  I'm an eclectic gamer, I try all the new titles, I hadn't played EQ in all this time since it died the horrible death of Luclin, yet coming back to a game full of veterans you'd think it wouldn't be like Live, that there would be hardly any sheep left for true wolves like myself and Zyrin.

Turns out they are still sheep, just sheep with 6 years of work trying to get better.  All that focus on VZTZ 1 2 and 3 didn't equate to any success here, and that's gotta bite your ass if you've been waiting for a legit server for 5 years to show off the skills you thought you'd been developing.

Hijinx wasting Caster, the original, in Oasis

 OJ on Thrilla patrolling for trains during CT fight in fear, another Chubs fail.

 Hijinx reminding Chubs who really owns Rivervale.

 This is a 100% 1v1 with both parties starting full life, full mana, and him with his pet out, INDOORS inside Najena.  Crazycloud considered himself to be a top necro.  What's your opinion on necros who lose duels to druids indoors with their pet out?  Mine's low.

 Donkee trying to pass through Oasis.  Quiet peck that one.  No whining even after an extraordinary amount of deaths.  Respect.

 Dotchya dying to the alpha druid in a large battle for Nagafen in SolB back during that joke of a Nagafen Defender's Treaty of 2012.  The server's greatest effort to date to stop the Nihilum train was busted in 2 nights.  Learn to not ragelog.

 Dotchya dying in a Nihilum vs Holocaust fight in Plane of Fear.  Yet another ubermouth who posts a ton with multiple deaths to me and no kills on me.  Same story for all our enemies tho.

Thanks for reading, stay tuned for many more updates.  Enjoy the thriving server that is Project99 Red, keep fightin, and keep hatin on the winners.


Tuesday, September 25, 2012

OJ - Natural RMT Ban - History of R99

Today's update has to do with one of the more scandalous pieces of R99 history.  Back at the beginning of 2012, there were a lot of rumblings from the enemies of Nihilum that the inner circle of the clan were using the raid loots to line their own pockets for RMT.  Well if you spent much time in Nihilum you'd know by now who has a day job and who doesn't.  Let me introduce you to someone who does not have a day job and was selfishly willing to let his entire clan go down in flames with the reputation of RMT while he was secretly the only one doing it.  Worse, someone who doesn't even need money because they enjoy the support of living at home, but drugs don't pay for themselves!  

The enemies of Nihilum at the time were starting threads like this  and this

Nihilum had a little vent meeting and fleshed out that indeed, nobody was doing RMT... or at least nobody would admit it.   Turns out there was an RMT'er in our midst, by the name of Natural.  He decided not to speak up, not to volunteer that he was the one with those account names, that he was the one doing the selling, no, he was comfortable to let the blame for his greed diffuse amongst the entire clan while he continued to hide behind the tag and farm.

After weeks of blatantly hiding from PvP by being under the Nihilum tag while farming, and not showing up to any raids or helping anyone else in the clan, Natural was developing a bad reputation for himself in the clan.  When these screens came out, the RMT scum was removed from clan, Nihilum could officially announce we are 100% RMT free, and Natural went to Diablo 3.  He's since come back from Diablo 3 for a reason I could have told you a year ago.  Cheap Chinese Labor.  Obvious to anyone with a brain, I know, but he had big dreams.

See the big dreams of RMT in D3, RMT on R99, and the depths of selfishness in the following:

 R99 and D3 RMT discussion part 1

 R99 and D3 RMT discussion part 2

 Confirmation of RMT and his seller status, along with a conversation I was having with Cinda about PvP.  Myself and Hijinx had just earlier wiped 5 Holocaust from LGuk with 2 of us, including Letsjoe, Smallmee, Moru, Kief, and Target.  We'd also attacked a full group of FF there the previous day but had to gate out because they were organized and waiting on us as we zoned in.

 Killed Natural with Milkshake healing nearby.  This is a self-proclaimed top 5% player, and he never dispels in pvp.  All he did was tash me and try to Enthrall me over and over before dying, and expected his healer to run to him instead of him run to his healer.  I joined Nihilum a few days later and every day without fail I'd hear this guy complain about how MES never lands in pvp.  ON THIS SERVER WHERE EVERYTHING LANDS ON UNDER 160MR.  Why did mes never land for this top 5% enc in pvp?  Because he never opens with dispel.  He expects it to just work. Noob shit.

So there's your top 5%, kids who live at home and RMT for quarter bags, don't dispel in pvp, and had no idea chinese labor would flood D3 RMAH markets.  Thank you R99 for introducing us to yet another embarrassment of an online gamer.  You have a magical quality about bringing these people together in one place.


Sunday, September 23, 2012

The B's - Holo - History of R99

Today's quick update brings you some fun fights against members of Holocaust from the first 3 months of the servers life.  Featured are people who's names start with the letter B.  

Bamzal in a large fight in Fear.

Poor Bamzal couldn't catch a break that day.  He's still around though.

Bet you never heard the name Bigge before on r99, that's because he quit so early.  One of the first high level ogre shamans.  RIP

Bundy the Bard, givin up da coins tryin to camp Pyzjn.  This was actually a pretty long fight, took a long time to catch him but I used hiding spots to let him come into range and start my cast and he wouldn't know which direction to go to range me.

Bundy again this time in Ocean of Tears.  It's so utterly embarrassing to die in OOT as a bard that he /quit and surrendered the coins again.  See the Tyson like power behind his punches:


Saturday, September 22, 2012

Oddjob RD #2 Server up SolB

Server went down for fungi patch, came back up and got to finish my 1v6 vs RD outside Seb.  It started before the server went down with me seeing all 6 zone in.  I was expecting them to move together but Mitic lead the push by himself, I picked him up on track first and went after him.  I got off a dot and kited around the group while he fell to half life then boom... server down.  I logged in quickly when the server came back up and to my delight, Mitic was the first to log back in of his group as well.  I tracked him down and finished him off just as the rest of his group was logging in to save him.  I gave them a quick little run around then gated to pick up my m8s and go to Solb.  Poor Mitic was stuck running around with my dot on him because he had his manastone in his pumice place and took a few moments to figure it out.  I noticed it and even told him panic in chat lol.

Then to SolB where we run into 12 Red Dawn getting ready to raid!  All 12 wiped...



Later this same day Nihilum ported into Hate for Innoruuk and found Red Dawn there again.  2 hate raid v raid wipes for RD this week but unlike last flawless victory, this time they actually got 2 kills.  That's improvement!  Hope to see more.  The aftermath:

After wiping them in Hate we pursued their recovery efforts to Sro to double wipe them to buy us more time to kill Innoruuk train-free, as Wanyo had just tried to train us, then Lite also had a train but honorably ate his death w/o getting himself in trouble.  Below see Jibekn' dying, this is why he never logs in, this shit happens as soon as hes on:

The afternoon ended with pvp in Guk, Thrilla got a kill on Salem  and I got a kill on Lithiuum here:

Thrilla kill on Salem

Good fights RD, Good luck getting your raids goin, stop goin for our targets!


OJ's RD kills #1

Since Kunark has released, we have seen rise from the ashes of VV and NCC, Red Dawn.  They aren't quite ready to compete for the big raids yet, but they are fun to pvp through out the world, and are putting up a fight.  Here are some of my kills on rando Red Dawn members.


Tomb (also Taddar FoH, 1v2)




Mitic again


Ravi + Volatile 1v2

Volatile part of the Ravi/Vol 1v2


Look forward to more encounters RD, comin after your pluggers too.


Holo Officer Kills - History of R99

Furthering your grasp on the context of Holocaust quitting the server, I bring to you kills on their officers, the group of players most responsible for the lack of organization and ultimate defeat.  They were tasked with leading and inspiring, it's hard to be inspiring when you have rage logged after a raid v raid defeat and don't help your clan cr.

I start with the man that offered to take over leadership of Holo during hard times, only to rage log directly after dying at this Nagafen raid, leaving his guildmates without cr.  The Gongshow.

We follow up with thier asian ambassador to PB, Nirgon, who if he isn't an officer, should have been, because he's not as delusional as the rest and I doubt he would rage log during hard times.

Here's Selena, running like hell from the central battle happening behind me, out of range of the people he needs to heal, in an attempt to save himself.  Died anyways, after DA.  

Here's the self proclaimed Highlander, yet hes died more to me than hes killed me or Hijinx.  Not sure how a negative KDR helps your status but none the less, these are two of the few times he didn't suicide into mobs or use a gate potion.  Holo PvP Officer Smallmee down:
 and again:

Here's a shot I took on Titanuk.  I am under the impression he was an original officer for them but could be wrong.  He talked on the forums and recruited like he was one.  

Many more still in the bag for future updates.  Enjoy a glimpse into the constant defeats that made this clan give up after only a few raid v raid fights that went so drastically against them there could be no hope.


Xantille - Holo - History of R99

This is the first of many posts chronicling the history of pvp on R99.  Brief overview:  There was a clan that came to R99 from the various garage boxes, a collection of self professed all stars, who claimed they were going to be #1 pvp #1 raiders (see:  Turns out they were just a collection of egos, their real leaders never came to emulators with them from the live servers, and they suffered a terrible vacuum and a lot of intraguild drama with nobody to guide them.  They were soon defeated over a series of raid v raid contests over Nagafen and Plane of Fear, and gave up.   These guys were used to cheating with MQ on garage boxes and couldn't do it here and wonder why they suffered so badly in pvp, having quit without killing any raid mobs AND with a horrendous kill:death ratio.

I'll start this post by reversing the alphabet a bit and bringing to the forefront one of the king ego's of Holocaust.  He was a leader of Heresy on the garage boxes they played on, and thought he was going to be amazing here because he was good with MQ on vztz 1 2 and 3 for 6 years of his life.  This was the first thing he told me the first time we had a friendly chat:

Pretty cocky thing to say for a guy who's ego has been blown up against zero competition.  This is what happens when he comes up against people who haven't been spending their entire adult life cheating at EQ.

Death 1- Fear training busted

Death 2 - Fear training busted, guy never once got a train to us because he was so ez to root

Death 3 - 20 Nihilum vs 19 Holocaust in Fear, wiped Holo with 2 deaths, including every one of their all stars like Keto and even Sirken the guide there to watch the rape.

Death 4 - gang banged

Death 5 - caught him solo runnin around innothule, here's your 1v1 and he still couldn't even keyboard turn his character to swing on me once.

Xantille never once got a kill on either of us.  This is one in a many case of embarrassments for the clan Holocaust, which lasted a grand total of 3 months on Red99 after preparing for years and years on hackable boxes.  You forgot to take off your crutch before you came to the big game boys, you gotta take off those MQ training wheels before you can play without maps and /face.

You have now met the personified dichotomy of both the biggest ego and the worst playing skills of any player to spend years of his life on emulated boxes.
