Johnny gets his first taste of Duelist Disc on Fieldingz banking in FV. 1 Backstab, 1 Kill, from full health too, ouch.
Johnny on Seb Patrol, Brainz tryin to sneak in some solo farmin, he even thought he had a slick hiding spot, kudos to Brainz for not running into frogs to eat the PvE death.
Johnny the only Sheriff on duty for Seb Patrol once again, this time 6 Plug/Dangerzone are sitting at the zone in preparing to hunt pixels. Little did they know who was really being hunted... Cwenu down, 1 backstab = 1 kill
Johnny doesn't settle for just 1 kill 1v6, Johnny likes to see the corpses pile up at his feet. Sickpuppy down that's 2 kills 1v6. Johnny was gettin pressured hard by enc tash and dispells and big TOMB casting DMF on him (Tomb casts a spell.. Johnny becomes like the dead. GET IT?) and Noah tryin to bring big J into the darkness, he sneak bolted for the exit and lived with 85%+ health.
Lite likes to mess around 1v5 just like Johnny likes to mess around 1v6, Johnny and Lite produce very different results however. This kill had a major assist from Tummykins for landing the stun on Lite that allowed Johnny to get in a round of melee for the finish. Still, you never see a Snori or a Scotia stun a Johnny. 160+MR is a key number for allowing your rape to continue unabated.

Johnny goes after Andis' crew in TT, with the help from a few quick reacting Nihilum. Here you see poor Johnny barely miss his kill shot "missed Andis" as Zyrin and Hector compete for the finish. Welcome back Andis.
Oddjob on OOT patrol. Cool Kids been trying to xp there lately, Boatz always gates as soon as OJ enters the zone, doesn't even give the dog a chance to get his illfitted gloves around em, but Kilbur and others aren't so lucky to be able to port away every time danger comes.
I didn't even want to kill Marras. I snuck up to him and sat behind him, observing him. He didn't know I was there. After a few minutes of watching him med I manastone a few times to let my presence be known. He turns and looks at me, I still do nothing, he runs in a couple little circles like he's deciding what to try, then sends his pet on me. At this point I still know killing him is too easy so I just root his pet and run away over a sand dune. The silly troll FOLLOWS! So I kite him over one more sand dune and dip below the crest on the opposite side, cast a breath of ro as he's coming into range.. he runs right over the top of me, keeps running, I root, blizzard as he gates, and get the finish. This was toying, no doubt, I let him make every aggressive move then put him down with 3 little spells, but I must admit it's fun letting people think they have a chance and even getting them to chase you... boy I love kiting people. All he had to do was not attack.
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