Here's Johnny! There's a reason for the slight lag between updates, the Juice has been working on a new project, one that is going to be a nightmare for all of Nihilum's enemies. I introduce to you Johnny, GOAT Halfling Rogue, a heat seeking piranha who slices backs better than Jack. With Johnny comes great news for people who QQ about exp... It's easy on R99!
Johnny was born at the beginning of October, since then I've played him 2 days and 10 hours, in that time he has gotten level 56, Trak BP, RBG, TCrown, 160 base MR, his masks, Jboots, Pegasus cloak, Grachnist ear, Bracer of the hidden, Gunthak Harpoon, keys to OS, HS, and completed VP key. That's right, all his clickies, all his keys including VP, double backstab with a 15dmg piercer, and enough MR to survive in under 2 and 1/2 days. You can officially suck it if you've ever complained about the time it takes to get started here.
Johnny's first kill while leveling in Unrest. Que the music boys! Here comes Johnny with the power and the glory, Backbeat the talkin' blues. He got the action, he got the motion: Oh Yeah the boy can play! Dedication, devotion, He's turning all the night time into the day
Affect runs out of SolB, runs for the hills, thinks he's gonna drop the melee using Z axis, melee lands a backstab to drop him to unconscious anyways, he stands for a split second and tries to use his 2nd harmshield, but I interrupt it, because that's what I do, I interrupt spells that take 1s to cast.
Johnny runs into Sickpuppy who so kindly camped the Gunthak Harpoon for me. I harpooned him in his shiny new FBCR for his efforts. He's still happy to have the FBCR even though he helped to create a monster.
Tarnis, Valentin, and Fenix jump me and Bacon at rotting skeleton camp, I chase Tarnis through the trees, laughing about how all the times I used to ditch melees in trees on my druid, as I'm sticking to him wondering why trees are so hard to follow people through... they aren't... you aint losin Johnny in trees, and you aint losin Johnny with levitate, and when you stop to cast, you will die!
Johnny meets another necro, Tomb, in KC. He tries to trade lifetaps for melee. Completely shredded, and while you see a full group of mine in the group window, they were all at verix, I was the only one to sneak to entry to deal with this scum, as I always do. Let that be a lesson for you, come into a dungeon where you see Johnny exping in a group, and you're back better be in a corner the whole time because Johnny don't care about xp as much as Johnny cares about stickin harpoons in people.
Ok so there's some of Johnny's first kills in the high end PvP scene, back to a few kills for ole Oddjob. Affect was in a full group of Plug including Noah, Scotia, a 2nd necro, a mage, and a rog I think sootwulf. They decided to come to the door to wait for us and jump us, what they didn't know was that we'd just assist their mobs onto them and kill them through the door. Literally killed their entire group through this door, with zero casualties, it was ugly, and a horribly backfired tactic.
Oddjob doin the run arounds checkin the dungeons, finds Coshigga tryin to xp off some LDC's, dropped a slew of offense, Breath of Ro, Wildfire, and a root to steal the kill from his LDC.
Sickpuppy dying 1v4, that's 1v4, with Zibby there to heal, and 2 other RD there to attack me, Sickpuppy just stands there yammerin his mouth about how I can't touch his 200 fire resist, so he's right, I listen to him, I ignore his fire resist and put Winged and Drifting death on him, while keeping his pet rooted, a blizzard for good measure, and then a root to finish him as he runs to Plug.
Valentin + Tarnis + Fenix jumped me n Bacon, I was on Johnny for the first part of this fight and slayed Tarnis as you saw above, Valentin and Fenix were doing too much kiting so I switched to Oddjob and flanked them from behind as they chased Bacon to the FV zone. I dropped on Valentin and finished him, he found out he'd been flanked at the last possible second and tried to run out of range but couldn't. Fenix immediately gated and the zone was won.
I end this update with the best fight I've had 1v1 in a couple months. I went to Field of Bone to camp the carrion queen for some hoshkar pants for Johnny. Lite was there the whole time I was killing carrion beetles, and me and him have a bit of a running tally so I'm not particularly fearful of him in outdoor zones but I also don't go out of my way to chase him because he's a damn little firefly and if he doesn't want to be caught, he's not caught.
Well Lite decides to let me get complacent, asks me about my camp from afar, is all sorts of polite, asks me about the camp I'm doin, I go ahead and tell him... he shows up a few minutes later with a buffed guard in tow, charmed and ready to kill me. I'd JUST gotten the carrion queens legs too, so it was the perfect time for a fight for me, he was polite enough to let me finish my camp before he tried to jump me.
So in comes Lite, guard in tow, guard gets on me, I immediately pell the guard, it turns back onto Lite, I get a root on Lite and the guards beating on him but he's already re-charming it back to me, I land a wildfire on rooted Lite, then kite the guard. Some more back n forth ensues, I pumice the guard a few times and he tries to time my pumice with a recharm and send the guard back on me. I end up getting down to just under 20% life and he's got me in a bit of trouble, I run for Cabilis, because somehow his guard, after 4 pumice charges, still has a SoW and I'm unable to create the gaps needed to get my spells off safely.
So I zone in, we zone hop together a bit, I use the time to heal up, Lite is still 50%, we zone hop a little more while a Breath of Ro dot i landed on him is ticking away. Lite is now about 20% and I'm at 50% still, after the next zone hop from the inside of Cabilis to the outside I re-mem scoriae in place of winged death for a quick finish should the opportunity arise... and the very next zone-out it did.
Lite charmed a guard that Harmtouched me for 501, going for the finish on me, at the same time as I target and cast a 4s Scoriae on him. The guard Harmtouches me, swings around of melee on me, and my Scoriae lands on Lite and finishes him with 231 HP left on my bar. I zone off the guard agro, survive, and send Lite a tell for the good fight, he got some good pressures and timed his re-charms well, he's getting better at fighting outdoors... I'm something like 4-0 against Lite outdoors now, and it was very exciting to stand my ground and deliver that Scoriae as I was calculating that the next round of melee was going to kill me.
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