Welcome Back
Johnny's back with a brand new invention. When Johnny closes in tightly you'll feel the flow of his harpoon daily and nightly? YUP! That just happened. Johnny's been doing it big and making championship plays, remaining immortal and adding many names to his binders of pk'd women. If you've been farming pixels in Seb recently, chances are Johnny has dropped in on your group, killed you or your pal, then cleanly escaped to an exit. Fully half this update is Johnny fighting outnumbered, stealing kills solo against full groups or more, and living to tell the tale. Watch it boys this cats got moves. Another big milestone this update, I've hit 300 kill shots uploaded. That's 300-5 for a 60:1 KDR if you are keeping track. Big numbers from the PvPblog on a big night of powerball.
Brennard going down on Johnny by himself vs 12 Fully Retarded.
Johnny enters Sebilis alone, 1v5 against a group of FR, kills Slathar and escapes clean. Slathar desperately attempts to inform his group of my arrival but isn't saved.
Johnny enters Sebilis to 3 melees, Bronkar, Sootwulf, and Brennard, with Robe outside approaching from TT. First target down 1v4 to disc, took out the beefiest in 2 rounds of meleee, Bronkar.
After Bronkar dies its Johnny vs 2 rogues, Sootwulf, and Brennard, with Robe still incoming from TT. Sootwulf backs himself into a corner completely giving up on backstabs, and dies anyways.
Enter Robe who swiftly gets worked over by an alert Johnny who cures tash's before Robe can even follow them up with roots, and delivers fatal backstabs in between cures.
Finally after Bronkar, Sootwulf, and Robe are dead, Johnny turns on final target Brennard who as you can see by the chat has been talking a ton of shit by this point, Brennard dies while telling me all I do is run, as I kill him and all his friends 1v4. Embarrassing shit.

Big fight over Seb thursday night. Chubs is caught solo and can't 1v1 Johnny between arch and bubble, tries to gate, dies.
Dekane gets shit on in the same big thursday night Sebilis fight.
Ezpk tries to run into frogs to die but gets the worst rogue double penetration rape in the history of R99 with a double disc from Ender and Johnny for over 2,000 instant damage.
Cleaning up the last of them, Affect goes down easy for Johnny once again.
Scotia is one of the first targets to die in thursday nights big seb fight, Nizzar got the tstaff proc and I got the finish, Bronkar LoH'd him but the dps was too much.
Johnny OT hammers and catches Tomb also hammered. Tomb is down to 2 rounds of melee, claims to have been afk but the death was too lightning fast for most to react.
Vayden eating it solo 1v1 vs Johnny in TT, these FR casters love to try to gate, they just don't know..
IT SIMPLY WOULDN'T BE A BLOG UPDATE WITHOUT ANOTHER LITE KILL! This has truly become a PvPblog recurring theme, this is my 7th Lite kill, 6 with OJ and 1 with Johnny.