My fourth update on the killings of Red Dawn is a unique one! It's been
a blast pvping these guys lately. Sebilis and KC have been hoppin. First, the bad news. I ate my first death since the release of Kunark, in a GvG fight against RD in Sebilis. We won the fight, but we lost the greenman! Drunkenswami introduced me to the wrath of Tstaff procs, as he and Brainz chopped me to pieces. It was nice and slow too, they took that full 10 second duration to finish me. Drunkenswami got the kill. We took the zone after their group wiped/plugged. Reaction from the peanut gallery:
Revenge was achieved soon after, myself and Thrilla went to Karnors Castle to take on 8 Red Dawn: Ezpk, Lite, Anklestraps, Pudge, Snori, Sickpuppy, Riley, and Drunkenswami. They all died except Ezpk who plugged here directly after using his disc without landing one swing with it, also I killed Drunkenswami as he was trying to disc me and Pudge was on me, here's the slain message and Ezpk about to plug with his disc blown:
Next to die was Sickpuppy, he gated, but so did I, and finished him:
Lite finished off, Pudge was next, Thrilla finished Snori again, Thrilla finished Riley and Anklestraps, the entire group of them is wiped, congrats us.
This is a Sebilis kill on Salem being played by Lite.
We went down to lower guk to plvl, Found Cwenu and Bronkar there, killed both:
Also ran into Maniaco there, he tried to train, he died before I could get the finish:
Ran into Nips trying to quad in OOT. Pumiced one, Cheetah'd and caught up to him, Breath of Ro nice n fast while hes tryin to run, as he gets low he tries to gate, and boom goes the dynamite:
Nips again, found him at Dino, racked up a set of DoT's on him and Scoriae'd as he tried to gate, his gate stayed within zone so I got the slain message. Since Nips was so camera shy I decided to add a facsimile en absentia.
The last kill this update is on Tomb, you know him as Critical on the forums, but you've probably not seen his name after you've seen his sig. He does talk like a badass, this is my 2nd unanswered kill.

Good fights, Good kill on me Drunkenswami and getting you back makes us 1 and 1, You are the only member of Red Dawn with a kill on me so you are their champion, officially.
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