Saturday, September 22, 2012

Holo Officer Kills - History of R99

Furthering your grasp on the context of Holocaust quitting the server, I bring to you kills on their officers, the group of players most responsible for the lack of organization and ultimate defeat.  They were tasked with leading and inspiring, it's hard to be inspiring when you have rage logged after a raid v raid defeat and don't help your clan cr.

I start with the man that offered to take over leadership of Holo during hard times, only to rage log directly after dying at this Nagafen raid, leaving his guildmates without cr.  The Gongshow.

We follow up with thier asian ambassador to PB, Nirgon, who if he isn't an officer, should have been, because he's not as delusional as the rest and I doubt he would rage log during hard times.

Here's Selena, running like hell from the central battle happening behind me, out of range of the people he needs to heal, in an attempt to save himself.  Died anyways, after DA.  

Here's the self proclaimed Highlander, yet hes died more to me than hes killed me or Hijinx.  Not sure how a negative KDR helps your status but none the less, these are two of the few times he didn't suicide into mobs or use a gate potion.  Holo PvP Officer Smallmee down:
 and again:

Here's a shot I took on Titanuk.  I am under the impression he was an original officer for them but could be wrong.  He talked on the forums and recruited like he was one.  

Many more still in the bag for future updates.  Enjoy a glimpse into the constant defeats that made this clan give up after only a few raid v raid fights that went so drastically against them there could be no hope.


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